
Opening the doors to your future by establishing paternity
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Paternity Attorney In Tyngsborough, Massachusetts

For The Well-Being Of Your Child

With the assistance of Massachusetts Family Law attorney Kempton P Giggey, you have a solid advocate in the sometimes complex discipline of establishing paternity, a procedure that can significantly benefit your child's well-being, no matter your specific situation. You could be a single mother in search of the legal father of your child or a dad trying to assert his paternal rights - regardless, the journey might seem protracted and intimidating. Our mission is to alleviate as much anxiety as possible by outlining a straightforward path towards your goal. Together, we're capable of realizing the outcome you envision.

Contact The Law Office Of Kempton P. Giggey to schedule a consultation with a lawyer today. 978-926-3411

Building a Positive Future for Your Family

There are a plethora of reasons to solidify the legal relationship between a child and a father in Massachusetts, and Kempton P. Giggey can guide you through this process. Establishing this relationship allows the father to gain access to medical information, ensures the presence of the father's name on the birth certificate, and aids the child in obtaining necessary financial and medical support from their parents. Additionally, it provides the child the capacity to claim veterans benefits, inheritances, and other payments. Connect with The Law Office Of Kempton P. Giggey today to get the answers and guidance you need.

Finding Comfort through the Uncertainty

Not all Family Law journeys are easy. Indeed, matters as sensitive as paternity can stir up a whirlwind of emotions. This is where Kempton P Giggey from Massachusetts comes in. Understanding your emotional and mental strain, Kempton is ready to guide you from beginning to end. With a comprehensive understanding of paternity laws, he is committed to working relentlessly to help you achieve your desired outcome. Your initial step is as simple as a phone call. So dial today and let's navigate this path together with The Law Office Of Kempton P. Giggey.

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