Domestic Violence

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Domestic Violence Attorney In Tyngsborough, Massachusetts

When A Loved One Accuses You Of Violence, We Take Up Your Cause

If you find yourself accused falsely of committing an act of violence by a loved one, it can feel like a sudden, deep-seated betrayal. This is exacerbated by the hardline approach taken by modern prosecutors when it comes to domestic violence cases, meaning you're up against a significant challenge in court. This is where Massachusetts-based Criminal Defense attorney, Kempton P Giggey, steps in. He is dedicated to advocating for you, bringing false allegations to light, and boldly countering overzealous prosecutors who overstep in an attempt to showcase their toughness. Whether the person hurling accusations at you is a spouse, partner, or another household member, Kempton ensures all these claims are scrutinised thoroughly. He understands that while true instances of domestic violence are serious matters, often, such cases are contrived or blown out of proportion following a child custody or family dispute. Kempton meticulously examines the evidence, fervently deposing and interrogating the witnesses and the accuser on the other side to uncover the truth. Align with Kempton P Giggey today, and entrust your case to his diligent legal representation.

Contact The Law Office Of Kempton P. Giggey to schedule a consultation with a lawyer today. 978-926-3411

What Are Domestic Violence Charges?

In Massachusetts, domestic violence spans beyond physical abuse to include intimidation, harassment, and intrusion on personal liberty. These are severe accusations, and facing them can be daunting. It does not have to be this way. When Kempton P Giggey represents you as your criminal defense attorney, he can identify weak points in the prosecution's case, expose mendacious testimonies, and pinpoint procedural missteps from the investigative officers. If you have acted violently towards a family member, Kempton P Giggey will strive relentlessly to lower your charges. This might lead to an agreement where you commit to counseling and anger management courses with the promise of having the charges cleared after a specified period of changed behavior. With Kempton P Giggey's representation, there is hope. Reach out to him today to find out how.

What Could Happen to Me if Convicted?

A judgement against you could land you with either a misdemeanor or felony in Massachusetts. Although misdemeanors usually conclude in shorter sentences and lesser fines, they often lead to some time in jail and a significant reduction in your finances. Depending on certain factors, the prosecutor can escalate your charges to the felony level, which results in considerable prison time and hefty fines. Long-term repercussions could range from job search difficulties, child custody loss, firearm ownership limits, and even challenges getting into higher learning institutions. Don't gamble with these potential outcomes. Kempton P Giggey, a proficient Criminal Defense attorney in Massachusetts, is ready to advocate for your case today.

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